scottishathletics launch Club 20:20 project

Thursday 4th June 2015

Club 20:20 – Club Modernisation Project

scottishathletics have launched a new project to support athletics clubs in Scotland who are proactive in their development and want to modernise further.

Club 20:20 will reflect best practice around governance, development and delivery – ultimately implementing business models and practices within athletics clubs.

Clubs will be supported during the programme with a bespoke, practical range of support to individually help club leaders learn about and develop tools and skills to help them develop and sustain a thriving athletics club.


The programme of support includes:

*Bespoke expert support – individual to their club and flexible given club uniqueness and pace of development (eg legal, financial, media etc)

*Provision of dedicated helpline number for clubs to access business services advice – responses within 8 working hours

*Webinars (online live training workshops) for clubs covering range of topics

*Specific workshops over the year covering range of topics with external experts

Mark Munro

Mark Munro

Mark Munro, Head of Development, said: ‘This project forms part of our wider work to support athletics clubs in Scotland and we have been working closely with clubs for the last four years.

‘There is now a definite need to ensure we are supporting those clubs seeking to be progressive in areas such as their legal structures and governance, business planning, coaching structures and facilities developments amongst other aspects.

‘I am delighted that we are now in a position where we can invest into those clubs to ensure they are receiving the best advice and support possible.’

The core areas of support that clubs can expect may include (amongst others):

*Effective leadership and management inc. understanding finance and risk management (in a club context)

*Business planning – strategic development

*Club governance and legal structures

*Accounting and financial management – inc. Gift Aid

*Facility development – feasibility and development

*Paid staffing structures – administration, development and coaching – implications

*Membership, marketing and digital media

*Coaching – coaching structures, coach development, national coaching syllabus, coach development and athlete development

*Understanding and creating talent environments

How to Apply:

Club 2020 – Expression of Interest Form

Please send expressions of interest on the attached form to Mark Munro (Head of Development) at

Closing date for expressions of interest is Monday 29 June.

Start of Senior Men's race at National Cross County

Clubs at the National Cross Country


Tags: Club 20:20; Club Modernisation Project, Club Together, Mark Munro

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