People Make Athletics

Sunday 21st September 2014

scottishathletics agm

Membership fees frozen again for 2015

‘People Make Glasgow’. It was a popular and appropriate slogan during the Commonwealth Games and remains prominent around the city.

But ‘People Make Athletics’ is probably the apt summary of the scottishathletics Annual General Meeting at the Emirates Arena.

Saturday’s gathering reflected upon the 12-month period from April 2013 to March 2014 with annual accounts submitted for that timespan.

With 21 clubs represented and more than 30 people present, there was a positive feeling within the room on the current state of the sport in Scotland and a proposal was ratified to maintain membership fees at the same level as for the past four years. Membership numbers have been rising steadily now for five years.

Ian Beattie chaired the meeting with President Leslie Roy making a few remarks and chief executive, Nigel Holl, speaking to his summary of the year in the 2014 Annual Report.

The Annual Report, Annual Accounts and the 2013 AGM Minutes are now online on this website.

President Roy paid a full tribute to the contribution of our clubs over the course of the year – and always – to the overall well-being of the sport and also had the pleasure of making special presentations to two long-standing officials, Eleanor Gunstone and Barry Craighead.

Members fees for 2015 will be as follows (following ratification by the AGM):

Senior Club Member – £18

Junior Club Member – £5

Coach Membership – £25 (for 3 years)

Officials Membership – Free

Family Membership – £36

Friend and Supporter Membership – £18

Senior Members (unattached) – £32

Over 65s – £10

Club Affiliation Fees

*First claim athletes £7

*Second claim athletes £3

*Other club members – Free

Clubs are always encouraged to work on partnerships with local agencies in order to help and to that end it is well worth checking out our club support guide.

The document has recently been up-dated and is on this website for your assistance. There are also contact details for our Development Team on that page.

Leslie Roy

Above: Leslie Roy

In her AGM remarks, Leslie Roy noted the huge contribution by so many people in athletics in Scotland.

‘I want to thank the people in the clubs who work week in, week out to provide opportunities within the clubs for athletes to train and compete.

‘I and the Board recognise and appreciate all the hard work that is carried out at club level – especially through the Club Together programme – and I must applaud everyone involved at local level in making a real impact.

scottishathletics continues to receive strong support and investment from public agencies, sportscotland, the Scottish Government directly and many partners at local authority and Leisure Trust level.

‘These partnerships are vital to both running the business and delivering athletics at all levels – and I ask you all to reflect on that investment and recognition of our sport that our partners give us.

‘We might always seek more but we must also be grateful for the support we do receive. We have to earn it and we have to deliver on our promises in order to get further such support.

‘I am also pleased to thank the many office-bearers who have worked hard in carrying out the work of scottishathletics in the past 12 months,

‘There are far too many to mention individually but the sport is so fortunate to have so many committed, willing and talented people who give their time so freely in organising championships, events, coaching courses and who work tirelessly in committees and working parties.

‘I am grateful to my colleagues on the Board and staff within the office who have worked hard to provide the best possible support to scottishathletics members. In particular, I would like to welcome three new Board members Sandra Frame, Stewart McCallum and Alison Johnstone.

‘There were a number of highlights across the year period to which the Annual Report pertains but, as well as those by athletes, I would mention Shona Malcolm being awarded an OBE in the New Year Honours List and Janice Hendrie being named as BBC Scotland’s Unsung Hero – an award across all sport and not just athletics.

Honorary Life Membership was conferred on Joe Bruce and there were those special awards made for services to officiating, to Eleanor Gunstone and Barry Craighead, through the auspices of UK Athletics.

Kilbarchan AAC’s John Rodger is the new Convenor of the Road Running and Cross Country Commission, with Ron Morrison standing down after terrific service.


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Tags: AGM, Club Support, Ian Beattie, Leslie Roy, Nigel Holl

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