Noticeboard: Ellie; Discount courses; Event Days; Winning Students

Tuesday 10th March 2015

Ellie Greenwood

Scottish ultra runner Ellie Greenwood has landed the highest accolade in that particular strand of the sport.

The 35-year-old has been named the 2014 IAU (International Association of Ultra Runners) Athlete of the Year.

Ellie won the World Champs 100k title in Doha with a run of 7.30.44 which took her third on the all-time British list. She was part of a gold medal winning team effort alongside Joasia Zakrzewski and Jo Meek.

‘I am delighted to have been named IAU Female Athlete of the Year,’ she said. ‘Having achieved some race results in 2014 which I was personally happy with, it is an honour to have this recognised by an organisation such as the IAU.

‘I hope if encourages more British runners to try their hand at ultra running and the award certainly gives me extra motivation for 2015.’


Huge Discounts for Level 2 Qualification Courses

As from April 2015, the cost of the Athletics Coach Award and the Coach in Running Fitness Award will be £120 for Scottish club/scottishathletics coach members thanks to a special price reduction.

That is with scottishathletics subsidising the courses to the extent of £280 up front, with support from sportscotland.

For non-club/scottishathletics member coaches the cost will be £400.

Please note that the discount is based on the coach completing all four days of the course plus assessments. Those who do not commit to completion of all units will be invoiced for the £280 discount.

We’re delighted to offer this kind of support because of our on-going belief that improving coaching knowledge and expertise is fundamental to sustain growth in the sport in Scotland.

For more information, please contact Jim Goldie, Coaching & Training Manager, at


Spikes on track

Clubs and coaches will be aware our next Event Group Coach Development Day is looming up on Sunday 22 March.

The education programme takes place at three venues across the country; Grangemouth hosts Throws as well as Sprints and Hurdles; Jumps and Pole Vault are at Pitreavie; while Endurance athletes and coaches will be at Stirling University.

The Event Group Coach Development days are part of our on-going programme and give great opportunities for coaches to gain valuable information and learning. There’s also a chance for selected athletes to gain instruction.

We have more than 100 coaches signed up and these days are free to scottishathletics registered coaches. Please note that Endurance at Stirling for March 22 is now full. If you wish to join a waiting list to attend please email

For the other event groups, please email Mary Anderson if you wish to book a place on the course:



Sporting students at colleges and universities in Scotland can apply before 31 March for financial support.

Winning Students provides scholarship funding to help students achieve their sporting and academic goals. The national sports scholarships are open to current students and to school leavers preparing to start their studies this September.

Applications are sought for Individual Scholarships, which apply to athletes competing in individual and small combination sports such as Athletics and Weightlifting.

To be considered for support, applicants should meet the selection criteria outlined on the Winning Students website.

Individual Scholarship applications are invited by current and prospective students before 31 March to be considered for funding support from September. School leavers should provide proof of application (college) or a UCAS number (university).

Jason Atkins, Winning Students Programme Co-ordinator, said: ‘Individual Scholarships provide student athletes competing at the highest levels in their sport with funding and academic flexibility to succeed in their sport and studies.

‘There is always fantastic competition for places so I would urge applicants to consider the criteria and complete a nomination form before 31 March.’

In fact, Winning Students’ current ‘Athlete of the Month’ is none other than Laura Muir, who says the programme “has been a huge help in funding me through University.”



Ayrshire Track and Field Champs – Kilmarnock venue

The Ayrshire Open Track and Field Championships will take place on Sunday 10 May.

The venue is the Ayrshire Athletics Arena in Kilmarnock and there are details on the Events section of our website. This is a Clsoed Championship. Believe this event was previously listed as Dam Park, Ayr, but that is not the case.

There is also an Open Track and Field Ayrshire event at Kilmarnock on Sunday 12 April.








Tags: coach CPD, Coach Development, Ellie Greenwood, Event Group Coach Development days, IAU Athlete of the Year, Jim Goldie, Kilmarnock, Winning Students

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