Athletic development and physical preparation IV

The development of movement patterns through the introduction of Olympic lifts (and derivatives) and how they relate to sport specific actions. Introduction to prescriptive loading through the monitoring and assessment of the athlete.

Who should go on the course?

  • Anyone who has completed the Athletics Coach Award / Coach in Running Fitness, and above (UKA Event Group, Level 3 and Level 4)

And attended

  • Athlete Development and Physical Preparation III course

How many days will it take?

Four day course delivered over the course of two weekends, with a multiple choice exam and practical assessment carried out on the final day.

What will I learn?

You will learn the key technical and coaching points as well as develop the knowledge to incorporate Olympic lifts (and derivatives of) into training programmes to improve physical competence and sports performance. You will also learn the key safety factors and coaching best practice in the gym environment.

Topics covered include:

  • Summary of the movement journey from Introduction to development to high performance
  • Strength in Youth Training
  • Health and safety factors in the gym environment
  • Combination lifts and complex training
  • Teaching of Olympic lifts and derivatives (Clean, Snatch, Squats, Lunge, Step ups, etc)
  • Assessing and monitoring methods

What will I be able to do?

  • Design a weight lifting programme which complements an overall physical preparation programme.
  • Teach weight lifting movements and identify the key technical and safety points for each exercise / movement, and relate these to sport specific actions.

How much does this course cost?

See course booking for further information.

The Movement Dynamic Video Resource will be used as the primary source of information over the weekend.

Coaches interested in progressing their professional development in this field can progress to the UK Strength & Conditioning Association (UKSCA) Workshops and accreditation process.

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