Athletic development and physical preparation II

The development of fundamental movement patterns that underpin athletic activity, through formal assessment and exploring strategies to fix the broken movement.

Who should go on the course?

  • Anyone who has completed the Athletics Coach award / Coach in Running Fitness (CiRF)
  • Coaching Assistant coaches who have attended Athletic Development & Physical Preparation I Course

UKA Event Group Coaches, Level 3 and Level 4 Performance Coaches looking to broaden their knowledge and understanding in athletic development can also choose to attend as part of their continued professional development.

How many days will it take?

Two days delivered over the course of one weekend with no assessment.

What will I learn?

How to formally assess foundation movements in an athlete or group of athletes. You will also learn how to generate formal feedback reports that will inform an athlete specific physical preparation programme.

Over the course of the weekend, we will also explore progression and regression strategies for developing physical competence.

Topics covered include:

  • Formal assessment of physical competencies
  • Formal reporting of competency assessment
  • Generation of objective feedback
  • Practical application of the Movement Dynamics Video resource
  • Understanding physical limitations

What will I be able to do?

  • Formally assess an athlete or group of athletes in your coaching / club environment
  • Generate tables and radar diagrams
  • Provide objective feedback
  • Goal setting in your planning practice
  • Design an athlete specific physical preparation programme

How much does this course cost?

See course booking for further information.

The Movement Dynamic Video Resource will be used as the primary source of information over the weekend.

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