Gilroy makes it 10-in-a-row at Monklands

Wednesday 21st May 2014

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The West District Half Marathon Championship took place last weekend within the hidden gem that is the clubsportnl Monklands Half Marathon.

Someone who is clearly in on the secret is Robert Gilroy of Ronhill Cambuslang who won the race for an incredible TENTH time, unbeaten since 2004.

Even more impressively, he ran the whole race alone at the front (albeit with a big smile on his face) and finished in 72:08, more than seven minutes ahead of the next man.

He is clearly on top form, having won the West District 10-mile Championship last month within the Tom Scott race, and finished a very fast second in the Helensburgh Polaroid 10k on the previous Thursday night.

Robert’s secret? ‘Train hard, race easy.’

The sun shone warmly despite the predicted heavy rain, although the runners did have to battle through pretty blustery gusts of wind.

The course consists of a short loop then two longer loops which meant spectators had plenty of opportunities to cheer on the competitors, plus watch the accompanying 5k and junior races – an entertaining day with something for everyone.

Pamela McCrossan of Clydesdale Harriers reinforced her excellent season of running by winning the Ladies’ race, also picking up the Masters’ gold medal.

Competitors were full of compliments for the race, expertly organised by the very experienced team led by Frank Burns of clubsportnl and Jim Moffat and Kat Heron of NL Leisure; many
thanks to them for welcoming the West District Championship into their race.

Report by Clare Barr

Tags: half marathon, west district

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