Scottish Sportshall 2015/16

Thursday 3rd March 2016

Last week marked the end of a fantastic winter of Sportshall competition opportunities for children across Scotland’s primary schools.

The scottishathletics Primary Sportshall programme is delivered each year in partnership with Sportshall Associates across Scotland’s local authority areas.

This year has seen 30 local authorities taking part in cluster and local authority events with an estimated 6,500 children participating nationally. Last week culminated in the P6/7 Regional Finals for qualifying schools.

The provision of opportunity for comparatively large teams to represent a school is a key factor in the success and appeal of Sportshall, with the focus placed firmly on the achievements of the team and the importance of supporting each other.

scottishathletics would like to thank the many volunteers who supported the event on each day and congratulate all teams for participating in very exciting events across the country.

In particular, we would like to thank the various clubs who supported events on the day as well as providing clear links into local clubs which has been of significant benefit where implemented and good practice for the others to follow.

We would also like to thank our scottishathletics Sportshall Co-ordinator, Harry Baird, plus the delivery team at Sportshall Associates.

Whilst winning is not the main aim of the programme and the key is for mass participation and excitement, the winners of the Regional Finals were as follows:

Grampian – Applegrove Primary School and Hazelhead Primary School (joint winners)                        

East – Bruntsfield Primary School                                                        

West – Inverkip Primary School (Inverclyde)                                    

Central – Strathblane Primary School                     

Tayside and Fife – Kelty Primary School           

Congratulations to all!

For more information on information on athletics in Schools please click the relevant page on this site.

With thanks to Mark Munro

CNauld XC15-63023

*The Scottish Schools Athletics Association organise the Scottish Primary School Cross Country event in April.

This is for primary 6 and 7 pupils and takes place in Kirkcaldy on Saturday 23 April.

Entry is via the SSAA website by primary schools and the closing date is Friday 1 April so parents or youngsters who are keen to be involved should be sure to speak to a teacher or school staff in order for an entry to be processed in time.

Tags: Harry Baird, Sportshall Athletics

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