Cumbernauld video footage

Wednesday 28th October 2015

Albums of photos on Bobby Gavin’s website

The second year of the Lindsays Cross Country Season began at Cumbernauld with a hugely-popular National XC Relays event.

Central AC made it a fourth successive victory in the Senior Men’s race but were denied the same feat in the Senior Women’s race by gold medallists Edinburgh AC. Edinburgh AC had earlier won the Young Females race while Kilbarchan teams took gold and bronze in the Young Males race.

But the real winner was the sport itself as hundreds of athletes battled through mud on an occasion treated to four seasons in one day in terms of the weather and a warm atmosphere around the ever-growing tented village and the course itself.

scottishathletics would like to thank North Lanarkshire Leisure once again for their support – this was the 15th year at Cumbernauld – and of course sponsors Lindsays, too. We now have video footage of all four races at Cumbernauld thanks to a partnership with Vinco Sport.

This is the third year in a row Vinco have attended at the Scottish National XC Relays and it is good to see the profile of the event rising, with Laura Muir on BBC Radio Scotland on Friday evening talking about her first race since the Beijing World Champs and further coverage online in the aftermath.

Here are the four videos (please feel free to add these linksto club websites and/or social media pages):

Senior Men’s race:

1 Central AC 2 Shettleston Harriers 3 Inverclyde AC

Senior Women’s race

1 Edinburgh AC 2 VP-Glasgow 3 Central AC

Young Males race

1 Kilbarchan AAC A 2 Corstorphine AAC 3 Kilbarchan AAC B

Young Females race

1 Edinburgh AC 2 Giffnock North AAC B 3 Giffnock North AAC A

Clubs revel in National XC Relays mud

CNauld XC15-31883


Tags: Central AC, Cumbernauld, Edinburgh AC, Kilbarchan AAC, Lindsays, National XC Relays, North Lanarkshire Leisure

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