Athletic development and physical preparation

You must have the physical competence to do the technical qualities to do the tactical stuff…in that order (Giles, 2005)

The athletic development and physical preparation courses aim to provide coaches of all levels with the knowledge and skills to develop the physical competencies, in the athletes they coach, to do the ‘technical stuff’.

Through these courses we examine the fundamental movement patterns that underpin the sport specific actions; what do they look like, how to assess these movements and explore the different training methods to develop these.

The courses are delivered on four progressive levels to assist the coach in their development journey. Use the menu on the left to browse these four levels, summarised below.

Athletic Development and Physical Preparation I

Introduction to foundation movements that underpin athletic activity, and how to develop them in the club / coach environment, through warm ups and in-session activities.

Athletic Development and Physical Preparation II

The development of fundamental movement patterns that underpin athletic activity, through formal assessment and exploring movement progression / regression strategies to ‘fix the broken movement’.

Athletic Development and Physical Preparation III

The development of fundamental movement patterns through introducing external loads to stable movements and structures. Introduction to comfort and incremental loading, and considerations for athlete development (growth and maturation considerations).

Athletic Development and Physical Preparation IV

The development of movement patterns through the introduction of Olympic lifts (and derivatives) and how they relate to sport specific actions. Introduction to prescriptive loading through the manipulation of sets / repetitions and volumes / intensities through the assessment and monitoring of the athlete.

The Movement Dynamic Video Resource will be used as the primary source of information for the athletic development and physical preparation courses.

Coaches interested in progressing their professional development in this field can progress to the UK Strength & Conditioning Association (UKSCA) Workshops and accreditation process.


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